Thursday, January 29, 2009

Finding Conservatism a Few Years too Late

Mitch McConnell seems like he is starting to get it. Too bad his enlightenment came about two election cycles late for Republicans. He says that Republicans need to clarify their message and explain their core values. Hmmmm.....such a novel idea in politics.

Please allow your boy time to gloat. I knew this was going to happen. I called it a four years ago and it made stop taking my columns. Everyone just couldn't understand why I was being critical when Bush's approval ratings were still high and it looked like we'd be in power for many years to come.

I guess they were slightly mistaken.

After getting trounced by Democrats and losing control of both houses of Congress and the White House, today's GOP is attempting to find their soul and elect new leadership in order to bring former Republicans back while gathering some new votes.

I still don't think that they understand. They only find their conservatism when somebody else is in line to benefit. They were quiet when the Republican Congress was spending to levels that would make Bill Clinton blush. They were quiet while the previous administration pillaged our Constitution and consolidated more executive power than any other in American history. Most recently, they were quiet as Americans forked over $700B that eventually was stolen by people on their side of the fence.

This "Big Brother, as long as it's my brother" attitude has caught up with them. The principled party that I gravitated to has become a "me and mine" party that is okay with big government as long as it's Republicans who are imposing it.

Maybe one day they'll get it.

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