Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One Big Happy Purple Party

John McCain has just announced he is now for universal health care. He has a new plan. It's called Hillary Care. Okay. Just joking. He calls it his Guarenteed Access Plan. I guess this is McCain's version of "compassionate conservatism". As a former Republican and independent conservative, this is pretty hilarious. If I was still a Republican, this would probably make me pull out my hair in lieu of my normal shave.

This overused triangulation dance that these pseudo-cons have learned is one of the many reasons I left the Republican Party. There are no more ideological conservatives in government. There are no more principles. They don't stand on anything. Everything is up for grabs. Today's Republicans are indulging in a seemingly alcoholic Democrat-Lite beverage instead of a form of conservatism that's closer to John Adams.

Democrat or Republican; red state or blue state; they are all liberals and form the worst shade of purple imaginable. Free spenders with Orwellian tactics. I think I'll pass.