Thursday, December 4, 2008

War Drums, Paulson's Double-Talk and Pirate Hunters

Can somebody please tell Israel not to start WWIII. According to the Jerusalem Post, Israel is ready to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. They have plans to do it with or without the approval or assistance of the United States. I'm sure this is going to work out well for Americans. Will we have to sacrifice our sons for this horrendous mistake, even though we didn't sign off?

Hardline Israeli settlers walk into the Palestinian city of Hebron and move just into one of their homes. The Palestinians sue and the courts tell the settlers to leave. Israeli troops force them to leave. Now they have a battle on their hands.

The banks still aren't lending money as they were supposed to under the bailout. Henry Paulson now says we cannot force banks to loan money to people. I would agree with that. However, that wasn't his suggestion when he was giving them our money to the tune of $700 billion. I guess now that they have the cash, he can say whatever he wants.

In more economic news, ATT plans on laying off 12,000 employees, Viacom is laying off 850 and NBC will drop 500 employees. Looks like a mental recession to me.

Things aren't going so well for the Big 3 automakers in their pursuit of a bailout.

Defense Secretary Gates gets to keep his job. But, it looks like he'll have to introduce himself to almost everyone else at the Defense Dept.

An official timetable has been passed by the Iraqis. It gives us three years to pack up and leave.

BlackWater has been tasked to fight piracy on the high seas. The pirates better hope this former navy seals and special ops guys never catch up with them.