Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday's Tidbits

Cal Thomas gets on Fox News on portrays Michelle Obama as an "angry black woman". He says all the black women on television today are "angry". I guess he only wants Aunt Jemima types that stick to washing clothes and serving pancakes. According to Cal, if you're black and have a strong personality, you're considered angry. Thankfully, not everyone is buying Cal's worn-out and archaric goods. Michelle Obama holds a 9 point favorability lead over Cindy McCain.

Judge Andrew Napolitano opines on the Supreme Court Gitmo case. He says it's a good day for American law. Wherever the government goes, the Constitution follows. The government cannot switch the Constitution on/off by sending people to Cuba. I agree with the great judge. This IS a fabulous day for our country.

A must see documentary on/about black men in America.

Al Gore proves to be another liberal hypocrite. He demands that we reduce our energy consumption or we'll destroy our planet. Meanwhile, at his house, he cranks up the A/C and leaves his lights on a bit longer.

Another case of police brutality. This time in Memphis. Again, when are we going to demand that our law enforcement officers actually follow the laws they are enforcing?

Livni blasts Olmert. Looks like she is beginning her campaign for the Prime Minister spot.

Medical tests prove abuse and torture happened to detainees in Guantanamo and Iraq.

John Stossel opines against the War on Drugs and factually destroys several myths. Hey, until we make illegal Valium and powder cocaine possession/distribution equal to other drugs, we will always have the discrepancy in arrests and sentencing.

Here Comes the Regulators....Finally!!!!

Okay. After a steady increase of gas and oil prices for over 2 years without relief, the regulators now believe it is the time for them to get involved to protect the American consumer.

"He suspects that something other than supply-and-demand is at play. He wouldn't rule out speculation or manipulation". You think???

This shows how a new administration will immediately drive down prices for consumers. The Bush administration is obviously very friendly with the oil companies and have shown a great reluctance to do anything to prevent them from manipulating oil and gas prices and putting a stranglehold on our economy. I don't have confidence in this guy. He should have acted long ago. Hopefully, the new President's guy will show a more proactive nature when it comes to this.

All you have to do is check the IEA website and look at the numbers. Production is at an all-time high. Supplies are level. Demand is normal. However they are "speculating" that demand will be much higher 20 years from now. They're making us pay for that today and are keeping the difference. Hence the record profits.

You hear all of the pundits demand to drill in ANWR and off the coast of Florida. Hey, that would be fine if the oil industry followed the rules of supply and demand. Increased supply won't help if they still "speculate" us to higher prices. The Saudi's say they'll increase production to the highest point ever. Speculators still raise the price. Always a reason to go up. Never a reason to go down.

Let's run the speculators out of town and we can regain control of our country's economy. However, we'll need new leadership that actually cares in order to make this happen.

So Much for Obama's Problem with "Hard Working Americans"

According to recent polls, Obama holds a lead in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. All of these are battleground states that are very important to winning the presidency. Hillary supporters and Republican race-baiters have said for months that Obama has a problem with white, working class voters. Of course, this is garbage. He has won several states with very small African-American populations during the primaries. These were simple fear tactics used to divide our country.

Same goes with the Latino vote. Obama is up by more than 35 points on McCain!!! That runs very contrary to the myth that Latinos will not vote for black candidates. The guy's message of positive change resonates across the board.

Israel and Hamas Announce Truce!!!!

This is historic. The rumors that have been floating about Israel and Hamas announcing a truce has been confirmed. Effective tomorrow, a cease fire will be put in place. Hopefully this will lead to daily peace for both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Israel has already successfully negotiated peace with Jordan and Egypt. They are also offering olive branches to Lebanon. Even Syria is optimistic that a peace agreement with Israel can be made.

This is a momentous occassion and very long overdue. Of course, there will be people on both sides who will be opposed to peace at whatever cost. Some people are simple too invested in the pain of others. Hopefully, the people of peace can be kept at bay until a more solid plan is put in place.

I pray that the people of Israel and Palestine will be patient and diligent enough to work through the difficult times and allow the process to work.