Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday's Musings

The Bush Administration tries to expand government regulation over the internet.

President Bush signs housing bill.

Another police beating caught on tape. According to the police, he was "resisting arrest".

Israeli Prime Minister looks like he's ready to step down. The bribery case is a little too much for him to handle. I guess they'll need another leader for their upcoming strike on Iran.

Country singer Toby Keith makes a song about the glory days of lynching. Incredible.

Ludacris makes a song supporting Obama. Of course, the Obama campaign itself condems the song. Time to send Luda to the dog-house with Rev. Wright and Jesse.

What do you know? The FDA finds the strain of salmonella at another Mexican farm. Hush, don't tell anyone that those Mexican NAFTA products are getting a bunch of Americans sick. It's not rocket science that Americans get sick from the Mexican water that they're using to wash this food. Watch out for more cases of this.