Hillary Clinton won the Pennsylvania primary yesterday, further driving the Democratic Party into chaos. Although her campaign is functioning in the red and is on the wrong side of the math, she surely is determined to take this race all the way to the convention. It will take almost an act of theivery to capture the nomination from Obama. I, for one don't put this past her. The Dems will have a long road to patch up their party after this dogfight.
John McCain has to be loving this. It gives him time to reach out to independent voters and try to raise some cash. However, the results from PA show that he still hase much work to do to get conservative Republicans behind him. It's very interesting that although he has had the nomination locked up for weeks, 27% of Republicans still voted for Huckabee or Ron Paul.
I guess they are trying to make a point that they will not accept "Democrat-Lite" as the new philosophy of the Republican Party.