Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday's Tidbits

More than 98% of the delegates attending the Republican convention were white. That's the highest rate for a major party convention in 40 years. Obviously, the Republicans have failed in getting their message to other communities. It's a shame.

We've lost more Americans to violence in Chicago than to war in Iraq.

"Whites only" drinking fountains in 2008? Oh, the guy was only joking. Honest mistake I guess. Same deal with the guy who had a black doll tied to a cross hanging in front of his house. He also has a dog named Hitler. Sounds like a nice enough guy.

RNC staff was tasked to get a picture of Walter Reed Veterans Hospital to be used as a backdrop for McCain's speech. However, they find a picture of Walter Reed Middle School. I would classify that one as "FAIL".

$300,000 outfit? Who's the elitist?

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