Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday's Tidbits

This communist-style bail-out is driving me crazy. Never in the history of our country has anything like this happened. Of course, we've had other bailouts. But, nothing even close to this proportion.

Warren Buffet buys $5 Billion dollars of Goldman Sachs preferred stock. He just financed his own little private bailout.
I wish he could finance the rest of them instead of us having to do it. Of course, there's a tax increase heading our way because of the bail-out. Even after it's done, what are the chances that we'll ever see our money back?

BTW, what's the urgency in having this bill rushed through Congress without reviewing the details and fine print? Neil Cavuto also says that these companies should have known better than to loan money to minorities. WHAT???

McCain dropping quickly in the polls because of the recent financial crisis. Now, he wants to suspend his campaign and cancel the debates so he can concentrate on the economy. Yeah right. He's trying to prevent himself from drowning!! It can't help that his campaign manager, Rick Davis, has taken $15k a month from Freddie Mac up to last month! BTW, Obama says the debate is on. Can't weasel out that one so easily.

Obama making up ground in Indiana. I know one mother of a blogger that deserves some recognition for her leg-work.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday's Tastings

It looks like that $35 billion European tanker deal has been put on hold for now. Given the current state of our economy, it's a no-brainer to keep this money in our country.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates apologizes to the Afghans for the civilian deaths caused by our airstrikes. He should probably hold his "sorries" for a while. We are sending 10,000 more troops to Afghanistan next year to combat the increase in violence over there. Gates is in deep thought as he re-thinks the strategy. Things aren't going so well.

Alan Greenspan calls today's economy "the worse economy that I've ever seen".

Speaking of the economy, GWB says that he's working hard on the economic turmoil. I think that he needs to start right there in the White House. Press Secretary Dana Perino's house was scheduled to be auctioned this week before they made a last-minute payment......BTW, the Dems don't know what to do either.

I'm not the only person who believes that today's Republicans are far from conservative. Say what you want about the Democrats. But, our government's size, scope and power has increased far more during this administration than at ANY other time in our country's history; including the New Deal.

Tzipi Livni won yesterday's election in Israel. She is slated to be the next Prime Minister; the first woman to lead Israel in 34 years. Hopefully, she won't bring us a new Iranian war and will help bring peace to the region. Congrats.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday's Musings

Klansman gets convicted for killing three black teens 40 years ago. However, the decision is overturned because the statute of limitations expired for the kidnapping portion. Now, how this relates to the fact that he is still getting away with murder is a question that the judge needs to answer. I guess he has his own robe and funny hat stored away in his closet.

Seven years later, Osama bin Laden is still on the loose. The Bush Administration yawns. Meanwhile the rest of the world isn't convinced that al-Queda is responsible for the attacks.
NY Governor David Patterson calls the McCain campaign out for its veiled racism in its attacks against Obama's past as a community organizer.
Israelis make an Alvin Ailey dancer shuffle in order to get into the country.
It's no surprise that the oil companies are screwing us at the pump. As far as the government officials who have allowed them to get away with it, they're screwing them too; literally.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

RIP W.D. Mohammed

Today, the Muslim community lost one of its great leaders. Warith Deen Mohammed, son of NOI founder Elijah Mohammed, died.

After his father relinquished control over the Nation of Islam to him, Warith Deen brought hundreds of thousands of Muslims away from the afro-centric, nationalistic and political NOI to orthodox Islam that is practiced worldwide.

May Allah bless you. My prayers go out to his family.

Tuesday's Tastings

Man, I would love to stay at home and get paid per-diem for "travel expenses".

Good news!! The troops are leaving Iraq. Bad news; they're going back to Afghanistan.

Desparate for people to convert; Dothan, AL offers $50,000 to each Jewish family that moves there to live for at least 5 years. On a related note, people are paying $100,000 just to get out of town.

Oil prices have fallen below $100 for the first time in 5 months. The dollar is at its highest point since July. You would think that gas prices would drop. However, no such luck for the masses.
The Justice Department is now going after Google for having too much advertising. Why they are going after Google instead of the oil industry reeks of cronyism.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has endorsed Barack Obama. Like many others in the world, he supports the "O"-man. However, this doesn't matter to most Americans. John McCain just blew by him in the polls.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake!!

A few folks, most recently including Sarah Palin, have been questioning the "actual responsibilities" of a community organizer; which was Barack Obama's profession a couple of decades ago.

Now, it isn't surprising that the likes of McCain, Bush and others have no idea what someone like that does. They haven't lived the lives of the many who actually need some direction, guidance and assistance along with the increased influence that comes from being organized with others of similar thought and circumstances.

Being a son of a former community organizer, I can say very clearly that their role is important. In many cases, it's similar to collective bargaining; but many times deals with the government instead of an employer. These are very often people who have lost their jobs, homes or both because of downturns in local economies. Sometimes, they just need a bit of direction to get back on track.

Dismissing community organizers means that you are also dismissing the communities in which they serve.

Just today it was reported that our unemployment rate has jumped to a 5-year high of 6.1%. Mortgage defaults and foreclosures are now at the highest levels in 29 years!! More than half of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck and we are still sending thousands of American jobs overseas.

No need for community organizers? I guess they feel we should just ignore these people. Or, let them eat cake!!!

And they say that Obama is the elitist.

Friday's Tidbits

More than 98% of the delegates attending the Republican convention were white. That's the highest rate for a major party convention in 40 years. Obviously, the Republicans have failed in getting their message to other communities. It's a shame.

We've lost more Americans to violence in Chicago than to war in Iraq.

"Whites only" drinking fountains in 2008? Oh, the guy was only joking. Honest mistake I guess. Same deal with the guy who had a black doll tied to a cross hanging in front of his house. He also has a dog named Hitler. Sounds like a nice enough guy.

RNC staff was tasked to get a picture of Walter Reed Veterans Hospital to be used as a backdrop for McCain's speech. However, they find a picture of Walter Reed Middle School. I would classify that one as "FAIL".

$300,000 outfit? Who's the elitist?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The World in Chaos

Are we in the early stages of WWIII?
We just sent our third Navy ship to the Georgia coast. Russia has already warned us against intervening in that region. We say that our intentions are completely humanitarian. However, as Putin said "why is humanitarian aid being delivered on naval vessels armed with the newest rocket systems?"

Meanwhile, North Korea has restarted its nuclear program after temporarily suspending the activity. I guess they are evil again.

Well, there's some good news today. General Petraeus says that our troops may be able to leave Baghdad soon because of the reduced violence. However, they may end up in Afghanistan because of the increased violence over there.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan survived an assassination attempt. While most people are concerned about the Iranians attempts to obtain nuclear weapons, it's somehow forgotten that Pakistan already has about 60 nuclear warheads and the ability to deliver them. If a crazy regime gains control of Pakistan (where Bin Laden is though to be hiding), then we're all in trouble.

Like many other Palestinians, Tony Blair's sister-in-law is trapped in Gaza, not allowed to leave.