Monday, August 25, 2008

Occupiers or Liberators?

Nouri Al-Maliki- the Prime Minister of Iraq has now demanded a timetable for the departure of American troops from his country. It looks like he got what he wanted. Reuters reports that an agreement has been reached to have all foreign troops out by 2011.

Meanwhile, the folks in Afghanistan are not too pleased about the 76 people killed by U.S. airstrikes.

Condi Rice says that the U.S. has been forced to do a mass review of its relationship with Russia. In the meantime, Russia votes to recognize rouge provinces. I guess Bush and Putin are no longer best friends.

Jesse Jackson Jr. calls Obama the Jackie Robinson of politics.

Republicans are pissed that Obama didn't choose Hillary to be his VP. HUH?? Meanwhile, Bill Clinton is not too pleased about his role at the convention.

Bill Kristol is campaigning for Joe Leibermann as McCain's VP choice. Hmm, what connection do they have??

The rumors of Dolly Parton's demise have been greatly exxagerated.

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