Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday's Tidbits

Deaths in Afghanistan rapidly approaching deaths in Iraq

The economy is bad. Energy prices are higher than ever. Perfect time for idiotic liberals in Chicago to once again raise taxes.

John and Cindy McCain one day from defaulting on their condo for 4 years of unpaid property taxes.

In the first case of judicial review, a court said the U.S. held a Chinese Muslim for six years on very little and unverifiable evidence. I wonder how many more of these will we have.

Jim Webb says Bush "blew it" on the G.I. Bill he once threatened to veto. BTW, he and John McCain both take credit for it now.

Fox News poll shows Americans believe John McCain and George W. Bush are too much alike. Guess that's a surprise to Hannity.

Beware of the fashion police.

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